I've been an iOS developer since university. Worked in startups, outsourcing, and large products. Have over 5 and a half years of iOS development experience. Passionate about creating things that I can use myself. I am open-minded and trying to be better!
Have experience in creating an application from scratch and supporting existing projects.
Application publishing experience.
Visited meetups as a speaker and led some of them.
Always test what I have coded before sending a merge/pull request.
Non-toxic, I like to build good relationships in a team.
Always try not to go beyond task estimation and code without returns.
I can evaluate tasks and give arguments of my point of view.
Ready to perform tasks of any complexity.
Theater player, director.
Telegram: @prevision
Worked on the "PUNCH" - vertical video service similar to TikTok with the ability to process recorded audio and mix it with music beat which can be chosen or uploaded in the application. Created SwiftUI modules, refactored service layer and improved design system.
MVVM, SwiftUI, Combine, Auto-Layout, Amplitude, ClickStream, AppsFlyer
Worked with a TOP-5 crypto iOS application, created a complex custom tab bar with animation using UIKit, improved code-review process and improved development pipelines. Improved design system.
MVVM, SwiftUI, Combine, Snapkit, Auto-Layout, AppsFLyer, ClickStream
Worked on one of the largest trading apps in the world. Created 3 complex custom user interface elements, developed In-App Purchases feature, rewrote over 30.000 lines of legacy Objective-C code to Swift, and designed 5 UML architecture diagrams of app modules.
VIPER, StoreKit, UML, Unit tests, Layout using frames only (some new elements using SwiftUI)
My own startup. Mobile application - aggregator of shared transport. Creation of a business plan, search for investments, development.
Developed 3 iOS applications from scratch, maintained 2 existing iOS applications, worked with video, audio. Created 2 custom user interface components.
Clean Swift, AVFoundation, Auto-Layout, Storyboards, XIBs
Прикладная математика и информатика. Участвовал во многих хакатонах, некоторые из них выигрывал. Даже один раз становился победителем гранта от Фонда Содействия Инноваций, направленном на поддержку молодых учёных.
В этом курсе была работа с таблицами, данными и сетью.
Введение в разработку мобильных приложений. Познакомился с Xcode, разработкой интерфейсов в Storyboard и работой с данными
Вводный курс по Swift. Разобрался с языком.