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Rolan Ibragimov (phen0menon), 24 года, Сербия, БелградRolan Ibragimov (phen0menon), 24 года, Сербия, Белград
Senior Software EngineerФронтенд разработчикФулстек разработчикСтарший (Senior)
От 7000 $Рассмотрю предложения


Возраст: 24 года
Опыт работы: 7 лет и 5 месяцев
Регистрация: 05.04.2021
Последний визит: 3 месяца назад
Гражданство: Россия
Местоположение: Сербия, Белград
Дополнительно: готов к удаленной работе

Обо мне

6 years of experience building web services for projects and companies in Germany, Russia, Canada and the USA

Open for FullStack / Backend / Lead positions.


Apache Kafka

Участие в профсообществах

Опыт работы

  • Бэкенд разработчик (Ведущий)Lead Engineer
    Май 2023 — По настоящее время (1 год и 11 месяцев)

    In this position, I served as the Key Software Engineer. Specifically, I developed the architecture for a Machine Translation Storage solution using Node.js (NestJS), Kafka, and MongoDB. I was responsible for the entire product and its technical details, including performance, metrics, documentation, and etc.

    Фулстек разработчик (Старший)Senior Full Stack Engineer
    Февраль 2022 — Май 2023 (1 год и 4 месяца)

    Intento is an abstraction layer for Cognitive Services, with multiple AI vendors via a single API integration and up to 23x performance/price efficiency from choosing the right models for your specific use.

    • Maintained the MT Studio project - a suite of services for navigating among various Machine Translation vendors and identifying the best vendor-quality match for specific language pairs and datasets.
    • Conducted technical researches and designed several services from scratch.
    • Supported the evaluation service whose workflow utilized COMET, BertScore, and other evaluation metrics. 
    • I redesigned the API of this service from Python to Node (NestJS).
    • Increased the efficiency of a data cleaning algorithm by approximately 15 times, reducing latency from about 120 seconds to around 10 seconds on large datasets.
    • Enhanced development capabilities by adding support for running Python projects on various CPU architectures and operating systems (M1 Mac, Intel Mac, Windows, Linux).
    • Engaged in code reviews, planning, grooming, and retrospective sessions.
  • Digital-агентство с фокусом на кастомной разработке
    Lead Front-End Developer
    Сентябрь 2021 — Февраль 2022 (6 месяцев)

    Led the frontend team of a medical information system. Here's what I managed to do:

    ● Performed requirement analysis for system needs from the product team, evaluated them, and took charge of task allocation within the team
    ● Configured a universal mechanism for mobile (React Native) applications for various environments for each platform (Android/iOS) which accelerated the deployment of applications by about ~3 times
    ● Led the development of mobile applications for patients and doctors, which included a real-time messenger similar to Telegram (TS, React Native, Redux). Also maintained several web applications (JS, Flow, React, Redux, effector)
    ● Controlled the development team, participated in planning, code review, retrospectives, 1-to-1 discussions and gave regular feedback to development team.

    Frontend Developer (Middle)
    Июль 2020 — Сентябрь 2021 (1 год и 3 месяца)

    Salt & Pepper is a modern web and mobile development agency. I managed to finish various projects using React, Redux and TypeScript.

    My daily responsibilites included:
    ● Frontend development of web & mobile applications
    ● Application development from scratch, creating efficient and SOLID codes, solving architectural issues
    ● Development of UI / UX design adjustments for a clunky design during development
    ● Developers mentoring and coordination

  • Обучаем будущих разработчиков, аналитиков, дизайнеров и других востребованных интернет-специалистов
    Code Reviewer
    Июль 2020 — Июнь 2022 (2 года)

    Reviewed over 1000 front-end projects of students from different countries in Russian and English languages from beginner (html/css/js) to advanced (js/react) level.

    • Молодая, растущая команда, с кучей идей, которые мы стремимся воплотить в жизнь.
      Фулстек разработчикFull Stack Developer
      Август 2018 — Июль 2020 (2 года)

      GRISSLI is a dynamically growing IT company providing a full range of services in the field of web technologies.

      My main achievements are:
      ● Managed servers on clean Ubuntu machines via SSH, including setting up and configuring Nginx, Gunicorn, PostgreSQL and connecting it all with uwsgi server.
      ● Being a Lead Developer, designed and developed CRM platform that was supposed to solve the inter-company management problems. Wrote scripts for search engines such as Yandex, Google.
      Stack: React/TypeScript (Front-End), Python/Django/DRF/Redis/Postgres (Back-end).
      ● Developed several commercial websites using Django. One of them was an online shop.
      ● Implemented payment acquiring integration for an e-commerce application.
      ● Implemented booking widget for SPA salon using JS / Vue / Nuxt.
      ● Designed UI/UX on a projects that did not have design or product team.
      ● Mentored and coordinated other developers.

    • Частная практика, работа без зачисления в штат
      Веб-разработчикWeb Developer
      Август 2017 — Апрель 2018 (9 месяцев)

      ● Developed an Android APP using Java - an application for couriers of the company that sold and delivered tickets
      ● Cross-browser website development
      ● Writing custom Python scripts

    Высшее образование

    • ТвГУ

      Тверской государственный университет
      Прикладной математики и кибернетики
      Сентябрь 2018 — Июль 2022 (3 года и 10 месяцев)