Anna Brusentsova (annie-brusentsova), Беларусь, МинскAnna Brusentsova (annie-brusentsova), Беларусь, Минск
BAИнженер по ручному тестированиюБизнес-аналитикСредний (Middle)
Рассмотрю предложения


Опыт работы: 6 лет и 5 месяцев
Регистрация: 28.09.2021
Последний визит: 3 месяца назад
Гражданство: Россия
Местоположение: Беларусь, Минск
Дополнительно: готова к удаленной работе
Знание языков: Русский родной языкБелорусский В1Польский В1Английский В2

Обо мне

    💿 Highly motivated and results-oriented Quality Assurance Engineer with over 5 years of experience in Information Technology, specializing in QA and testing of web-based and mobile applications. Demonstrated expertise in implementing effective QA and testing practices to deliver high-quality software solutions.

    💿 With a strong working knowledge of various software testing methodologies, including functional, regression, requirements, cross-browser, cross-device, smoke, UI, acceptance, API, exploratory testing, etc.).
    💿 Skilled in designing comprehensive QA documentation and monitoring testing processes using tools like Jira, Redmine, YouTrack, and Trello.
    💿 Versatile professional accustomed to working across diverse domains, ensuring successful outcomes in every project.
    💿 Key skills include writing test documentation, communication with a team, analysis and writing reports.
    💿 Proficient in Scrum and Kanban methodologies, I excel in agile environments, driving efficient project management and collaborative teamwork.
    💿 I have a track record of building testing processes from scratch.

Out of my key qualities, I would like to highlight: responsibility, proactivity, stress tolerance, communicativeness, curiosity, willingness to learn new things.

I have experience in building the testing process from scratch on a project, as well as managing a testing team of 12 people.

When choosing an employer, I welcome the social value of the project, pleasant people in the team, and a remote work schedule


Тестирование ПО
Контроль качества
Функциональное тестирование
Регрессионное тестирование
Разработка тест-кейсов
Тестирование методом свободного поиска
Бизнес аналитика


Опыт работы

  • ILAVISTA Technologies
    Бизнес-аналитик (Средний)Business Analyst
    Июнь 2024 — По настоящее время (11 месяцев)

    ● Gathering and elicitation requirements
    ● Requirements analysis (application of various methodologies and designations — prototyping, questionnaires, brainstorming, analysis of existing documentation, analysis of competitors)
    ● Writing requirements, technical descriptions
    ● Work on product roadmaps
    ● Task assignment to the team
    ● Task alignment with the team and client
    ● Meetings with team and clients

    Инженер по обеспечению качества (Средний)QA Engineer
    Июль 2023 — По настоящее время (1 год и 10 месяцев)

    Projects (Travel sphere (web), Social network (mobile app), Logistics (web + landing), Sport industry (web + mobile app), Mass media website)

    Main responsibilities:
    ● Monitoring compliance with testing deadlines;
    ● Optimization of quality control processes on the project;
    ● Communication with BA/PM/QA/Developers/CEO/CTO regarding requirements clarifications and quality expectations.
    ● Participation in meetings and Agile (Scrum, Kanban) activities;
    ● Training and consulting
    ● Tasks estimation
    ● Performing various types of testing: web and mobile testing (iOS/Android), functional testing, regression testing, exploratory testing, new feature testing, smoke testing, cross-browser testing, UI/UX testing, API testing, usability testing, cross-platform, cross-device testing, integration testing, localization testing etc.
    ● Defining a testing strategy;
    ● Creating test plans at different stages of testing;
    ● Development of test documentation, its up-to-date support;
    ● Preparing test-cases, use-cases, checklists for the projects
    ● Monitoring testing process, identifying and analyzing log reports.
    ● Document and track software issues/improvements using JIRA

    Tools: DevTools, HTML, CSS, XML, JSON, JIRA, Trello, Confluence, Figma, Qase, BlueStacks, LambdaTest, Postman, Github Desktop, C#, Visual Studio, Selenium + NUnit, NLog (Logging), Allure Report (Test Reports), SpecFlow.

    Инженер по обеспечению качества (Средний)QA Specialist
    Август 2019 — Июнь 2023 (3 года и 11 месяцев)
      Projects (Construction (web), Car Selling service (web) + about 30 small projects (landing pages) have been completed successfully)
      Main responsibilities:
      ● Communication with BA/PM/QA/Developers/CTO regarding requirements clarifications and quality expectations.
      ● Participation in meetings and Agile (Scrum, Kanban) activities;
      ● Training and consulting newcomers
      ● Performing various types of testing: web and mobile testing (iOS/Android), functional testing, regression testing, exploratory testing, new feature testing, smoke testing, cross-browser testing, UI/UX testing, API testing, usability testing, cross-platform, cross-device testing, integration testing, etc.
      ● Preparing test plans, test-cases, use-cases, checklists for the projects
      ● Implementing UI automated tests (C# basics, Selenium WebDriver, NUnit).
      ● Monitoring testing process, identifying and analyzing log reports.
      ● Reproducing bugs received from users;
      ● Document and track software issues/improvements using JIRA/Redmine/YouTrack

      Tools: DevTools, HTML, CSS, XML, JSON, JIRA/Readmine/YouTrack, Figma, Zeplin, Qase, Swagger, Postman, WordPress, C# basics, Visual Studio, Selenium WebDriver, NUnit, GitLab, VirtualBox, Genymotion, XCode, MS SQL Server,PostgreSQL(PgAdmin), Twillio.

    Инженер по обеспечению качества (Младший)QA Engineer
    Август 2018 — Ноябрь 2018 (4 месяца)

    Project (Sport industry (web + mobile app)

    Main responsibilities:
    ● Communication with BA/PM/QA/Developers regarding requirements clarifications and quality expectations
    ● Participation in meetings and Agile (Scrum, Kanban) activities;
    ● Performing various types of testing: web and mobile testing (iOS/Android), functional, smoke, regression, cross-browser, capability, UI, acceptance testing software for sport web and mobile application, including test documentation and analysis log reports.
    ● Preparing checklists for the project
    ● Implementing automated tests for a ready framework (Javascript, Protractor)
    ● Monitoring testing process, identifying and analyzing log reports.
    ● Reproducing bugs received from users;
    ● Document and track software issues/improvements using JIRA

    Tools: DevTools, HTML, CSS, XML, JSON, JIRA/Readmine, IntelliJ IDEA, Javascript (Basics), Protractor, Sourcetree, VirtualBox, Genymotion, TestRail, CharlesProxy.

    Инженер по обеспечению качества (Стажёр)QA trainee
    Июнь 2018 — Июль 2018 (2 месяца)

    Project (NDA - AI industry (web))

    Main responsibilities:
    ● Communication with Developers regarding requirements clarifications
    ● Performing various types of testing: functional, smoke, regression, UI testing of web application with the use of Artificial Intelligence.
    ● Preparing checklist for the project
    ● Document and track software issues/improvements

    Tools: DevTools, HTML, CSS, JIRA

  • BA trainee
    Март 2017 — Май 2017 (3 месяца)
    • Requirements analysis
    • Creation of technical specification 
    • Prototypes creation (desktop + mobile)
    • Use-cases creation
    • Drawing up a list of work on the project
    • Communication with the team

Высшее образование

  • ГрГУ им. Я. Купалы

    Гродненский государственный университет имени Янки Купалы
    Гродно421 выпускник
    Математики и информатики
    Сентябрь 2015 — Июнь 2019 (3 года и 9 месяцев)

    Управление информационными ресурсами

Дополнительное образование