Middle BackEnd Developer


от 50 000 до 144 000 ₽


БэкендRuby on RailsPythonPostgreSQLSelenium

Местоположение и тип занятости

Неполный рабочий деньМожно удаленно


Описание вакансии

Условия работы


  • Develop admin panel and REST API,
  • Refactoring models code.

Must have:

  • Programming: Ruby On Rails,
  • DB: PostgreSQL,
  • Strong skills of Gems: ActiveAdmin, Selenium,
  • Experience of using Gems: CarrierWave, Enumerize, Devise, BCrypt, Resque, Foreman, Mechanize,
  • Testing: RSpec + Factory Girl.


  • Python,
  • Knowledge of node.js, experience of using NPM,
  • JavaScript ES5, ES6, including experience of using classes, Lambda functions, Promises, Try-catch.


  • Distant full/part-time at least 5 hr/day occupation,
  • Successful passing through the test: https://goo.gl/WLLvjm (!),
  • $10-20/hr, depends on test score and skills,
  • Location and residency don't matter.

You can connect with us directly by skype zevusa, evgeni zhd with mention the position you are interested.