I manage my telegram canal about me https://t.me/Nikita_Trixter.
- system analysis
- functional and no-functional requipment collecting
- principal scheme developing
- stakeholders survey
- project support at the development stage
- alignment of processes
Project stack: (Java 11, Spring, Apache Ignite, Apache Kafka, GPRC, ELK, Spring, Kubernetes, Helmchart, SonarQube, github ci)
1. Over the past two years, under my leadership, the following results have been achievied:
- the expert system of decision making by gambling area has been developed;
- the variants of resolving problem of maximization proceed in isolated economic system have been researched;
- the concept documents for realising founded algorithms for this problem and developed architectural schemes for infrastructure with my colleagues have been written;
As a result of the activities mentioned above, there was my further engagement in analytics and refinement of the decision making model. When these activities ended, I helped my team develop this project with the Spring.
Project stack: (Java 11, C++, CUDA, Gitlab with custom ci, Zabbix, InfluxDB)
2. I brought to the product form the system of decision making by card games area (other system). At this project we have the C++ analytical module for which I have achieved horizontal scaling on the java base clusters.
- Game theory analysis
- Simulation modeling
- CUDA C (only samples for calculating)
- C# 7.0, Net.Core 3.0, TortoiseGit, managed cuda (framework for using CUDA in C#)
- Java 8, Java11, gradle, gerrit, jvisualvm, JavaFX
- Network traffic analyze (unpacking,decompressing,unencrypting)
- Network binary packets with specific internal data format parsing
- Data serilisation: protobuf,json,xml,yaml
- Analyze of client's applications
- 3rd party library: zlib, tinyxml, janson
- Debugging on a remote machine via gdb
- Reading syscalls from Strace
- Reading and analyzing C,C++ and Perl code
- Working with kernel interface (SCST, MD, LVM module)
- Writing a logic module in a single-controller storage system using the Linux kernel (C++)
- Writing python scripts to automate the testing process
- Parsing sites with libraries (Python): requests, selenium, beautifulsoup, scrapy
- Reversing C utilities (fileio_tgt,fio)
- Writing custom engine for fio
- Working with Protobuf, Boost Asio( Writing simple client-server application), librbd, librados
- Reversing Ceph
- Customizing cmake scripts
Лаборатория дискретной оптимизации.
Специализация 05.13.18
Математическое моделирование, численные методы и комплексы программ.
Имею три публикации:
Горбунов Н.В. Задача поиска оптимальной
базы матроида при немонотонном
субмодулярном функционале // Сборник
трудов VII
региональной конференции магистрантов,
аспирантов и молодых учёных по физике,
математике и химии «ФМХ ОМГУ», ОмГУ,
2020. С. 13-16.
2. Горбунов Н.В. Задача максимизации субмодулярной функции с произвольными матроидными ограничениями // «Вестник Омского университета». Омск, 2019. Том 24, №3. С. 12-15.
3. Victor
Svetlana Il'eva and Nikita Gorbunov, AN
Участие в конференциях:
На настоящий момент обучение заморожено, планирую восстановиться в другом ВУЗ-е в течение 5 лет.
Фундаментальная математика и механика