Умею создавать продукты с ml-составляющей и вести аналитические проекты. В прошлом руководила клиентским сервисом.
Знаю, что такое счастье пользователей и что такое маржинальные проекты.
В последнее время занималась исследованиями для производства, умным ценообразованием, прогнозированием спроса, лидогенерацией.
Моя любовь к людям и автоматизации иногда превращается в прикольные сервисы
Разработка продуктов на основе ml, ведение исследовательских проектов.
Например, разработали и внедрили вот такой сервис
Менеджмент Big Data проектов
• Operational management, control of KPI implementation, people management, group work planning
• Preparation of reports for top management, implementation of high-level goals of the company
• Revision and upgrade of staff position descriptions and creation of needed support positions.
• Saving headcount due to the use of processes in groups, the introduction of answering machines and the automation of ticketing routing
• Reorganization of support teams in order to increase expertise and implement better scaling in terms of launching new products and team building
• Transferring the part of the simple tasks of administrators and developers to the support team, improvement of quality of diagnostics
• Assisting subordinates in conducting projects aimed at improvement of interfaces and organization of support for the new services
• Organizing of team-building events
• Key member of strategic management team developing and implementing growth strategies
• Created a support group for new services, managed new support processes
• Made support department a part of expert service meetings, where we share our expertise and explain the problems the users encounter
• Made matters of support and statistics of customer’s applications a high-priority topic on weekly development planning