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Roman Poludnev (romanpoludnev), 38 лет, Сербия, БелградRoman Poludnev (romanpoludnev), 38 лет, Сербия, Белград

Roman Poludnev

Front-end (React) DeveloperФронтенд разработчикВеб-разработчикСредний (Middle)
От 2000 $Ищу работу


Возраст: 38 лет
Опыт работы: 7 лет
Регистрация: 09.10.2021
Последний визит: 11 месяцев назад
Местоположение: Сербия, Белград
Дополнительно: готов к переезду и к удаленной работе
Знание языков:

Обо мне

I am a committed front-end developer with over three years of experience in the field, specializing in React for over two years. I have acquired the skills and expertise required to create responsive user-friendly interfaces that provide a seamless and intuitive user experience.


Redux, Redux Toolkit
CSS Modules
StyledComponents, MaterialUI, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap
Wagmi, RainbowKit
Firebase, MongoDB
Jest, Testing Library, Mocha/Chai

Soft skills:

Clear communication, strong empathy
Hard negotiating and management skills
Agile, SCRUM/Kanban
Fluent in English and Chinese


- HackFS 2022 (ETH Global) Web3 Hackathon winners of "Best Generated Frontend".
- ETHOnline (ETH Global) Web3 Hackathon winners of "Sizmo ZK Badge" and "XTMP Best Use".
- Block Born & Balthazar Hackathon winners of "Build an Anti-Cheat Tool for Gaming Tournaments".
- Obtained a grant from Filecoin under the Next Step Microgrants program.

Additionally, I designed, developed, and implemented an MS Office extension for processing documents and streamlining operations in the Foreign Trade and Purchasing department. This extension significantly reduced document processing time by up to 5-6 times, effectively addressing issues related to typos, misprints, and other errors in documents for customs clearance. As a result, it contributed to a 24% reduction in customs service expenditures. The extension was released in 2019 and continues to be in use to this day.





Работаю с квалификациями


Помогаю развивать навыки

Node.jsCSSSCSSTypeScriptВеб-разработкаАдаптивная версткаHTMLReactReduxNext.js
10 €/ час

Участие в профсообществах

Опыт работы

  • 2M Web Studio
    Frontend Developer (React)
    Август 2023 — По настоящее время (1 год и 7 месяцев)

    Technology Stack:
    TypeScript, React, React Router, NextJS, HTML, CSS, SCSS, styled-components, Redux, Formik, yup, Tailwind

    Projects I Contributed to as a Frontend Developer:

    1. THash Mining Pool Service.

    A service providing payout, referrals, and support for mining clients. The THash UI is currently in progress with some implemented features:

    • Completed a responsive layout using styled-components.
    • Added internationalisation with i18next and react-i18next.
    • Designed and developed line chart components based on SVG elements with Bézier curves.
    • Implemented user forms for registration, login, and recovery using Formik and Yup packages for validation.
    • Partially developed the state layer with Redux (Redux Toolkit).
    • In progress: Connection to the backend API.

    2. Landing for a Tokenless Public Blockchain Service.

    • Built the frontend layer based on NextJS SSR.
    • Developed a responsive layout using React and Tailwind.
    • Implemented a responsive dynamic decorative grid element (Tailwind + SVG).
    • Implemented an API for fetching Medium posts for the blog section (NextJS + dom-parser).

    3. Telegram Bot Accessible Digital Market Service.

    • Developed the state management layer using Redux Toolkit.
    • Connected to the backend API.
    • Designed and integrated new features: login and cashout.
  • ChainHackers
    Frontend (React) разработчик
    Апрель 2022 — Август 2023 (1 год и 5 месяцев)

    Technology Stack:
    TypeScript, React, NextJS, HTML, CSS, CSS-Modules, NodeJS, Express, Puppeteer, dig, canvas, Ethers, Wagmi, Rainbow-Kit, XMTP, GraphQL

    Projects I Contributed to as a Frontend Developer:

    1. The Quantum Oracle:

    • A service for securely and eternally storing "notarized" screenshots.
    • Prototyped and developed a responsive layout (React + CSS modules).
    • Developed a backend adapter for blockchain interaction (Node + Express).
    • Developed the API for obtaining screenshots, parsing tweets' data, and fetching metadata (Puppeteer, dig, canvas).
    • Configured frontend API for interacting with web3 (Ethers, Wagmi, Rainbow-Kit).
    • Won the "Best Generated Frontend" award at HackFS 2022 (ETH Global) Web3 Hackathon.
    • Obtained support from the Filecoin Next Step Microgrants program.

    2. The GameJutsu:

    • A web3-gaming framework combined with an anti-cheat tool.
    • Developed a responsive web design and routing (React/Next.JS + CSS modules).
    • Developed backend logic and web3 interaction (Next.JS, Ethers, Wagmi, Rainbow-Kit).
    • Configured data exchange tools: XMTP, GraphQL (theGraph).
    • Development of logic for demo games Checkers and Tic-Tak-Toe (TypeScript).
    • Won "Sizmo ZK Badge" and "XTMP Best Use" prizes at ETHOnline (ETH Global) Web3 Hackathon.
    • Won "Build an Anti-Cheat Tool for Gaming Tournaments" at Block Born & Balthazar Hackathon.
  • Проектирование и автоматизация процессов продаж и обслуживание телекоммуникационной компании
    МоскваОт 1000 до 5000 сотрудников
    Фронтенд разработчикReact Native Developer
    Ноябрь 2021 — Март 2022 (5 месяцев)

    Project I Contributed to as a Frontend Developer:

    • Improved UX with filtering and sorting the servicemen’s tasks (React Native)
    • Cleaned legacy styles: removed unused styles, renamed inappropriate class names (CSS Modules + SCSS)
    • Assigned attributes to the testis dataset within the project components
    JavaScriptReactReduxHTMLCSSWebpackTypeScriptReact NativeSCSS
  • Частная практика, работа без зачисления в штат
    Frontend (React) разработчик
    Февраль 2020 — Ноябрь 2021 (1 год и 10 месяцев)

    Developed several websites and single-page applications on vanilla JavaScript, React, Bootstrap with simple server-side in NodeJS.

  • The “Boobl-goom” Kids’ Superstore
    Project owner, VBA developer
    Март 2018 — Сентябрь 2020 (2 года и 7 месяцев)

    The Project description: of MS Excel Add-in extension module for an optimization of the Overseas Import Department document processing and flow.

    • Developing the project from scratch based on requests from the Import Department.
    • UI engineering and development.
    • Algorithms and application architecture projecting.
    • Developing, introducing, and implementing new features and interfaces.
    • Collecting feedback from users for improvements.
    • Debugging and maintaining.

Высшее образование

  • ДВГУ

    Дальневосточный государственный университет
    Владивосток287 выпускников
    Сентябрь 2003 — Июнь 2008 (4 года и 9 месяцев)

    Экономика Китая, тема дипломной работы: "Предприятия с участием иностранного капитала в КНР"

Дополнительное образование

  • Хекслет

    Практические курсы по программированию
    Июнь 2019 — Ноябрь 2021 (2 года и 5 месяцев)

    Accomplished four study projects that provided me with foundational developer skills:

    • Developed proficiency in using Git for version control, enabling efficient collaboration and code management.
    • Gained confidence in JavaScript programming, mastering fundamental concepts and applying them to build interactive web applications.
    • Acquired the ability to create well-structured and visually appealing webpages using HTML, ensuring proper markup and semantic structure.
    • Developed the skills to set up and deploy projects from scratch, gaining knowledge of configuring development environments, initializing repositories, and deploying applications to production environments.

    These study projects allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting, reinforcing my understanding of essential developer skills. Through hands-on experience and iterative learning, I became adept at using Git, writing JavaScript code, creating web layouts with HTML, and setting up projects from start to finish. I am eager to further enhance these skills and take on more challenging projects in the future.