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Python Developer at an Algorithmic Trading Firm


от 1000 до 2000 $

Местоположение и тип занятости

Полный рабочий деньМожно удаленно


Описание вакансии

Условия работы

Hi! My name is Alexander. I'm the CTO of an algorithmic trading firm focused on trading crypto.

We are looking for a Python developer who will join our technical team in building infrastructure for trading, data collection, and developing new strategies.


  • 2+ years of experience
  • NumPy, SciPy, Pandas
  • Spoken and written English
  • 100% remote team in Slack with weekly team calls
  • $1000-$2000 per month at the start with potential bonuses based on profitability
  • Hi-tech problems to solve that you won't meet every day
  • A chance to get into crypto and trading

What do we do?

Our business is trading crypto. We trade our own capital at our own risk.

In case you're wondering: We never raised an ICO, and we aren't going to do that.

We specialize in fully-automated algorithmic trading strategies. We study market history and behavioral psychology, read scientific papers and perform statistical analysis to constantly figure out new ways to approach markets.

What does a technology team do?

  • Contribute to an open source trading engine based on Lean. That's the best crypto trading engine we found
  • Collect trading history, orderbook history, and other data from major crypto exchanges. Hundreds of gigabytes of data, NoSQL DB, real-time and scheduled updates, and ensured data integrity
  • Create a strategy optimization system that helps to backtest and to choose the most suitable trading strategies. We have an auto-scalable system that allows you to run tens of thousands of backtests at the same time and to collect and analyze the results of their work
  • Create effective algorithms for executing trades
  • Visualize the results of the optimizer and live strategies

Working environment

  • We are 100% remote
  • We use Jira, Confluence and Slack
  • Our code is in private and public GitHub repos
  • We make weekly calls to synchronize our progress

Crucial skills

  • Python 3.5+ at least 2 years of commercial experience

Knowledge of at least one from each category:

  • Web frameworks (Django, Flask, Tornado)
  • ORMs (SQLAlchemy, Django ORM)
  • Test frameworks (UnitTest, py.test, etc.)
  • Data analysis tools (NumPy, SciPy, Pandas)

Would be nice to have experience with:

  • Asyncio
  • Docker + Docker Swarm or Kubernetes
  • Google Cloud Platform, AWS or other cloud providers

We are offering

  • Fixed and stable salary with potential bonuses based on profitability
  • Flexible hours. You can choose when you start and when you finish your day, as long as it intersects with 10:00-20:00 GMT+3
  • 100% remote employment. You can work from anywhere you want, and we'll pay for your coworking space if you need it
  • Professional growth: you'll learn a lot. Plenty of things to solve and there is a lot of responsibility you can take on if you feel like it
  • Career: you will have opportunities to grow to become a senior developer, a team lead or a quant
  • Crypto: A way to participate in cryptocurrency space on the finance side of the business
  • Trading: A chance to learn trading approaches without risking your capital
  • Meritocracy: there is no strict hierarchy in the company. What you can achieve personally, how much money you can make and how you can influence the company is limited mainly by your abilities and desire to do so

How to apply

Please, send your response to team@rcdb.io

  • Put your name, surname and [Python] tag into the title, e. g.: Ivan Sergeev [Python]
  • Write a couple of lines about yourself. Who you are, what are you interested in and what do you do. Non-technical stuff is interesting too, as long as you keep it short and to the point
  • Attach your CV, links to LinkedIn and Moikrug profiles, personal website or blog
  • Describe your experience. The more we can read about you, the less formal questions we are going to ask
  • Add a link to your GitHub/Bitbucket where we can see your commits. If you mostly worked on closed-source projects, publish some parts on Gist

For any further information don't hesitate to contact me via Telegram @ksanderer

Didn't find a suitable vacancy but interested in working with us? Contact us on team@rcdb.io