Об организации

Lahti University of Applied Sciences and Saimaa University of Applied Sciences have merged end of the year of 2019, establishing a completely new institution: the LAB University of Applied Sciences. LAB started its operation on 1 January 2020.

LAB is a higher education institution focusing on innovation, business and industry. It operates in Lahti and Lappeenranta and also provides education online. The strengths of this higher education institution specialising in innovation include the circular economy, design, the commercialisation of innovations and service innovations for health and well-being.

LAB have over 8 500 students, making it the sixth largest university of applied sciences in Finland.

Первая работа в компаниях
2 выпускника
1 выпускник
1 выпускник
1 выпускник
Работали в компаниях
Учились на факультетах
School of Business and Management 6.3 %