Nikolay Chebotarev (nikolay344), 34 года, Сербия, БелградNikolay Chebotarev (nikolay344), 34 года, Сербия, Белград

Nikolay Chebotarev

Professional web developer with eight years of experienceБэкенд разработчикВеб-разработчикСтарший (Senior)
От 3000 €Ищу работу


Возраст: 34 года
Опыт работы: 7 лет и 11 месяцев
Регистрация: 02.01.2025
Последний визит: сегодня
Гражданство: ЭстонияРоссия
Местоположение: Сербия, Белград
Дополнительно: готов к удаленной работе
Знание языков: Русский родной языкАнглийский В2Сербский А1Норвежский А1

Обо мне

As a professional web developer with eight years of experience in commercial web application development and maintenance, I have worked across various domains. My expertise includes not only in-house projects aimed at automating internal business processes and improving efficiency but also handling large-scale data management. This involves collecting information from dozens of sources across hundreds of thousands of entities daily, storing this data, and building user-friendly interfaces for efficient access. Additionally, I have worked on developing large websites, ensuring they are high-quality and performant.

- Backend: PHP, Symfony
- Frontend: JavaScript, jQuery, Vue, PrimeVue
- SQL Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, ClickHouse
- NoSQL Databases: Redis
- Cache: Memcached
- DevOps & Tools: Docker, Docker Compose, Git, GitLab CI/CD
- OS: Linux (LEMP stack)
- Soft Skills: Professional, polite, strong communication, goal setting, task prioritization, team collaboration, understanding of development methodologies and processes.
- Technologies of interest: Laravel, TypeScript, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, Kafka, Go


Английский язык

Опыт работы

  • Rhymes Music
    Веб-разработчик (Старший)Senior PHP Developer
    Январь 2022 — По настоящее время (3 года и 1 месяц)

    - Developed ERP and CRM systems for finance and other departments.
    - Designed and delivered analytical services, enabling data-driven decision-making.
    - Implemented customizable tools for metrics collection and analysis.
    - Developed several websites from scrath.
    - Provided continuous integration for the majority of released projects.
    - Optimized performance through queues, generators, scaling, and query optimization.
    - Conducted technical interviews, provided technical consultations, and collaborated with finance and legal teams.

  • интернет-маркетинг для недвижимости
    Санкт-ПетербургОт 10 до 100 сотрудников
    Веб-разработчик (Средний)Full Stack Developer
    Март 2017 — Январь 2022 (4 года и 11 месяцев)

    - Provided continuous integration for multiple projects, including real estate portals, data exchange systems, REST APIs, and JavaScript chat, while adding new features and optimizing performance.
    - Implemented complex features using JS Map APIs (2GIS, Yandex), overcoming significant challenges at the time.
    - Led a team, conducted code reviews, mentored junior developers, managed project deployments and server maintenance.
    - Built several websites from scratch, taking them to production release.
    - Contributed to the development of a GraphQL API, an ERP system for a digital agency, and CMS for a real estate company.

Высшее образование

  • СПГУ

    Санкт-Петербургский горный университет
    Санкт-Петербург918 выпускников
    Освоения подземного пространства
    Сентябрь 2008 — Июль 2013 (4 года и 10 месяцев)