👀 DevOps-инженеры здесь? Зовём на Публичное собеседование на Хабр Карьере! Оставить заявку → участвую
Aleksey Pyrinov (fiexagon), 27 лет, Армения, ЕреванAleksey Pyrinov (fiexagon), 27 лет, Армения, Ереван

Aleksey Pyrinov

Администратор защитыИнженер по безопасностиСредний (Middle)
От 3500 $Ищу работу


Возраст: 27 лет
Опыт работы: 4 года и 6 месяцев
Регистрация: 24.11.2022
Последний визит: 1 день назад
Местоположение: Армения, Ереван
Дополнительно: готов к переезду и к удаленной работе
Знание языков:

Обо мне

I’m a highly competent cybersecurity professional with a proven track record with network security, cloud security, cryptography, and PKI. I have strong technical skills and extensive experience working with different solutions, such as Cisco, Check Point, VMWare, Zabbix, Ixia Breakingpoint, and FortiTester. I am a fast learner and highly motivated to grow in my field. I’m ready to relocate or work remotely from different parts of the world.


Информационная безопасность
Безопасность сетей
Настройка VPN


3 оценки

Работаю с квалификациями



Занимаюсь информационной безопасностью более 3 лет. За это время был опыт внедрения и поддержки различных средств защиты по всей России, странах Европы, Азии и Африки. Менторил специалистов уровня джуниор, сейчас преподаю информационную безопасность в онлайн-школах.

Моя подборка материалов по старту карьеры в информационной безопасности - https://aleksei-pyrinov.notion.site/394700ff948d47afaa80af899e2b3548?v=9b4fd05d4d054489bcf7a8d881189bce&pvs=4

2000 ₽/ час

Участие в профсообществах

Опыт работы

  • Онлайн-школа диджитал профессий
    От 10 до 100 сотрудников
    Cybersecurity course instructor
    Ноябрь 2023 — По настоящее время (1 год и 5 месяцев)

    I took part in launching a cybersecurity course and helped to correct program of it.

    I've recorded 4 lectures on the cyber security essentials.

    I've reviewed other instructors' lectures.

  • Protelion GmbH
    Инженер по безопасности (Ведущий)Implementation Team Lead
    Октябрь 2023 — По настоящее время (1 год и 6 месяцев)

    Area of responsibility:

    Building a process for implementing and supporting products - VPN, firewalls, secure messenger, etc. in an information security vendor.


    1. 1. Established communications between development, sales and implementation teams.
    2. 2. Launched 5 projects (for both corporate and government markets) in Europe, Africa and Asia.


    Protelion, Linux, Docker, vSphere, TFS, GitLab.

  • IT-школа TeachMeSkills - один из лидеров в онлайн-образовании.
    От 10 до 100 сотрудников
    Cybersecurity course instructor
    Август 2023 — Октябрь 2023 (3 месяца)

    I took part in launching a cybersecurity course and helped to correct program of it.

    I’ve given 10 online lectures on the cyber security essentials

  • Профессиональный ИТ-аутсорсинг
    От 1000 до 5000 сотрудников
    Network security engineer
    Октябрь 2021 — Октябрь 2023 (2 года и 1 месяц)

    Job responsibilities:

    Implementation and technical support of different cybersecurity products. Mostly, FW, NGFW, UTM, IPS and IDS.

    Participation in projects in different roles: Chief Project Engineer, Cybersecurity analyst, Network Security Engineer, L3 technical support.


    1. Participated in the development of information security systems and information security management systems that meet all regulatory standards.
    2. Developed and maintained incident response protocols to mitigate damage and liability during security breaches.
    3. Trained and mentored junior engineers, teaching skills in network security and working to improve overall team performance.
    4. Created of the completest comparison of Russian NGFWs, which brought three new large clients to the company and allowed to establish closer ties with vendor representatives.
    5. Created of business game about cybersecurity that became part of the company's official merchandise.
    6. Integrated of protection tools that do not support cloud execution into the customer's cloud infrastructure.
    7. Managed a team of 7 junior engineers on a security support project.
    8. Involved in building the SOC, advising the SOC team on aspects of network security.


    Cisco, VMWare/vSphere, Check Point, OpenVPN, Wireguard, Zabbix, Ixia Breakingpoint, FortiTester, KICS for Networks, ViPNet, xFirewall, Ideco, Continet, Usergate, Diamond, Yandex Cloud, SberCloud.

  • Федеральная налоговая служба (ФНС России)
    Security engineer
    Октябрь 2020 — Октябрь 2021 (1 год и 1 месяц)

    Job responsibilities:

    Information security assurance in the branch of FTS (200 employees). Implementation and support of information security tools. Training branch employees to work with information security tools. Monitoring the work of the Certificate authority.


    1. Created cybersecurity best practice communications to educate staff against known threats and potential vectors of attack.
    2. Participated in the creation of device hardening techniques and protocols.
    3. Developed and maintained incident response protocols to mitigate damage and liability during security breaches.
    4. Managed relationships with third-party devices for electronic signature and two-factor authentication applications providers.
    5. Designed company-wide policies to bring operations in line with regulatory standards.
    6. Implemented and set up the certificate authority, trained staff as operators
    7. Implemented DLP-system, investigated cybersecurity incidents, reduced the number of such an incident to the lowest rate in all branches in the region.
    8. Detected and eliminated of several critical vulnerabilities in the security systems of the Federal Tax Service.
    9. Automated of filling out monthly and quarterly reports on Information Security, which reduced the time spent by 3 times.


    Active Directory, Windows Server, Kaspersky, BlockHost, ViPNet Client, MaxPatrol, CryptoPro.

Высшее образование

  • ЮУрГУ

    Южно-Уральский государственный университет
    Челябинск2335 выпускников
    Приборостроительный (Компьютерные технологии, управление, радиоэлектроника)
    Сентябрь 2015 — Июль 2020 (4 года и 10 месяцев)

    Department of Information Security

    Major: Information Security of Critical Information Infrastructure

Дополнительное образование