- Development and maintain an ssr application with VueJS 2.x + NuxtJS + composition api + TypeScript
- Development and maintain BFF microservice on NodeJS + Express + React + Typescript from scratch
- Support UI Kit(Storybook)
- Code review
- Interaction and discussion of tasks with the design team, backend team and business
- Develop architecture for apps, deploying to production, bug fixes
- Node
- Express
- React
- TypeScript
- VueJS 2.x.x
- Nuxt
- Vuex
- Git
Development micro-frontend SPA with VueJS + Pinia + Single-spa-vue
- Develop and support many micro-frontend apps TS + VueJS 3.x.x + Pinia
- Create and support own UI Kit(Storybook)
- Code review
- Interaction and discussion of tasks with the design team, backend team and business
- Develop architecture for apps, deploying to production, bug fixes
Stack and libs:
- TypeScript
- VueJS 3.x.x
- Pinia
- Vite
- Git
- Single-spa-vue
- Vueuse etc.
Developed SPA with VueJS + SSR. Sutochno.ru - service for rent apartments, houses etc.
- Development of an application for searching and displaying ads. VueJS + Server Side Rendering
- Application for landlords - Employment calendar
- Application for landlords - Create/Edit ad etc.
- Create and support own UI Kit(Storybook, lerna, verdaccio)
- Support legacy(JQuery, JS, LESS) for SEO pages
- Code review
- Interviewing new people to the team
- Mentoring members within the team
- Interaction and discussion of tasks with the design team, backend team and business
- Develop architecture for apps, deploying to production, bugs fixed
Main stack: JavaScript, VueJS 2.x.x, SCSS, Webpack, Git
Additional: i18n, Vue Router, Vuex, Docker
Development of projects for many customers. In this company I developed calculators(for count price), personal area for user, admin panels, landings etc.
Main stack: HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery
Additional: Bitrix, SCSS, Gulp
Development of projects for many customers. In this company I developed landings, calculators(for count price) for insurance policy, admin panels etc.
Main stack: HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery
Additional: Bitrix, SCSS, Gulp, Grunt