Software engineer with 12+ years of web development history, who has built various applications based on most popular frameworks/libraries(react/vue/angular/extJs) and has hands-on experience with a tons of technologies.
* Typescript(4+ years) and some expirience in react+flow
* Various JavaScript frameworks - Angular, React/Next, ExtJs, Vue/Nuxt etc.)
* Experience with TDD and BDD based development
* Chrome extensions development
* Canvas based visualisation tools (Pure canvas or any library)
* Testing - unit/integration/e2e, browserstack integration
* About year of mobile development(React native + Expo).
* PHP5+, Zend Framework(with contribution)
* Java + Spring (w/o contribution)
* NodeJs (some expirience with a couple of small projects)
* MySQL / MongoDB / GraphQL / PostgreSQL (wrote some migrations sometimes)
Create several products for existing business which had no IT department at
all. So we had to create/setup all the processes from scratch(infrastructure, devops, customer service, company culture plan, assessment/recruting, etc.
Mainly i was busy on creation of CRM/ERP systems. I was the one who responsible of project/ecosystem structure/architecture, connections between systems.
The main challange of this project for me:
Build failsafe system that can scale to new countries with minimal effort.
A lot of projects during this period - both of outsource and product development service. Mainly i was involved as an architect, sometimes staying until project reaches stable MVP stage. Half of them are small (less than 6 month), the rest have development plan for the next 1-3 years.
The main challange during this period for me:
I jumped into projects with a completely different tech stack/processes. It was difficult, however I had opportunity to learn wide list of technologies in a short time.
Mercurygate TMS
Project description. A large enterprise as it is (200+ dev).
I was on team that reworks legacy ExtJs code into React. So our main goal was to create UI kit which can be used by other teams. Step-by-step we achieved: we redesigned of the most complex part of the app, collected/described requirements list, adaptation for mobile devices, refactored legacy core.
The main challange of this project for me:
Create failsafe UI kit that will be used by other teams. Safely rewrite legacy code without losing functionality.
Complex / multi-staged / multi tech-stack(microfrontend) project which provide high-tech solution for customers. At some point it was the main competitor of Webflow but much more complex and more focused on business instruments (analytics / marketing / online-payment / document-flow).
The main challange of this project for me:
Create WYSIWYG from scratch, build white-labeled UI kit. Provide support of more than 50 versions of different browsers(e.g. 28 versions of IE).
Еще в процессе обучения я стал подрабатывать SEO специалистом и позже перешел в разработку. Обучение в вузе научило некоторым основам сетевых технологий, но в основном приходилось всё изучать самостоятельно.
Коллега позвал на хакатон, им нужен был разработчик в команду.
Мы делали проект, который отображал подходы к разработке интерфейсов с ориентацией на клиентов с дефектами зрения - например цветовой слепотой.
Хоть я и сотрудничал с ребятами в онлайне, но смог немного пообщаться с другими командами и посмотреть другие проекты. Хороший опыт, доступность приложения для клиентов недооценена - в процессе хакатона я понял что кол-во людей которые испытывают те или иные сложности с вебом сильно больше чем это принято считать.
Сертификатов никаких не было, ставлю просто картинку к событию