💰 Зарплаты в IT в первой половине 2024: по городам, специализациям, языкам и компаниям → подробнее

Java Developer (BL-CRM)

Местоположение и тип занятости

Москва, Санкт-Петербург, ВоронежПолный рабочий деньМожно удаленно


Международная IT-компания и стратегическое IT-подразделение Deutsche Telekom

Описание вакансии

Условия работы

Business Logic Customer Relationship Management (BL-CRM) system provides sales-specific and channel-specific functionalities for Fixed Line Orders. Frontend systems use this logic to simplify the order capture in non-assisted sales channels (Deutsche Telekom partners). BL-CRM enriches the submitted orders by orchestrating a variety of partner systems to gather all necessary information and prepares a fulfillment-ready order for the backend order systems.

Technologies we use:
Docker, gradle/maven, jenkins, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Spring boot, Spring Security, Spring Data, Spring AOP, Postgresql, Rabbit MQ, AWS, XML, JSON


  • Split monolith application to microservices;
  • Implement new features;
  • Support existing functionality;
  • Do code and quality reviews;
  • Be part of scrum team.


  • Strong knowledge of java 8-11, patterns of microservices architecture;
  • Experience with relational databases (Oracle, PostgreSQL etc);
  • Experience with message brokers (Kafka, Rabbit MQ etc);
  • Working experience with REST or SOAP web-services;
  • Experience of Spring Framework;
  • Great communication skills in English (B2 minimum).