Описание вакансии
Условия работы
Наш клиент:
Японская E-Commerce Unicorn start-up, основанная в феврале 2013 года и работающая в настоящее время в Японии и США.
Mercari активно ведет набор опытных backend разработчиков специализирующихся на программировании в Go (5+ лет опыта).
При отклике, пожалуйста, прикрепите резюме на Английском языке и, желательно, поделитесь ссылкой на GitHub аккаунт.
▼Job Description
We are looking for someone who can navigate obstacles, negotiate with stakeholders and grow their team members to optimize their output both as individuals and as a team. The backend team works on the development and operation of the Mercari API, the framework supporting the entire company. Mercari is currently transitioning from our existing monolithic system to microservices, leading to significant changes and expansion within the team. Amidst these conditions, the engineering manager must propose and implement measures to support members grow and to help expand the team. These are part of a larger effort to ensure that the backend team functions properly within Mercari and helps the company maximize its output.
Proposing and implementing strategies to solve problems and improve our engineering organization, such as:
- Evaluating and leading bold organizational changes that will allow development/operation to change and grow
- Evaluating and promoting projects for hiring, onboarding, and assigning that will help engineers regularly give their best performance within a rapidly growing team
- Proposing and developing new tech projects (projects by the engineering teams) with team members
- Planning and running internal events (EM Philosophy Talk, Lunch & Learn, etc.) with the aim of sharing knowledge and increasing understanding of the organization
- Participating in hiring and PR activities to grow our engineering organization
Maximizing engineering output and encouraging career growth through tasks such as:
- Handling goal setting and evaluations for engineer growth each quarter, in addition to holding 1-on-1 meetings for regular communication and feedback
- Assigning projects and roles to engineers while considering their future career growth
▼Minimum Requirements
・Strong understanding of the company mission and values
・Experience developing with backend technology
・Management/Leadership experience
・Experience with interdepartmental coordination
・Experience mentoring engineers
・Experience hiring engineers (screening applications, interviewing, direct recruiting, hosting events, etc.)
・Experience of scrum
・Experience designing architecture for an entire system
・Experience making technical decisions for a team as a tech lead
・Experience operating systems that use microservice architecture
▼Our Ideal Candidate
・Those who are motivated to make changes themselves to improve the organization, and involve and execute relevant people
・Capable of understanding individual engineer’s motivations and encouraging their personal growth along with the business’s growth
・Possesses strong communication abilities for solving organizational problems
・Capable of taking responsibility for engineer hiring and training, and possesses a long-term vision for engineer growth
Клиент так же ведет активный набор на другие позиции Software Engineer/Data Scientist. Мы можем предложить Вам аналогичные открытые вакансии, если Вы специализируетесь на любом другом языке программирования.
Пожалуйста, посетите сайт нашего агенства (указан в профиле), чтобы найти ответы на наиболее часто задаваемые вопросы связанные с работой в Японии.
Условия работы:
- Тип трудоустройства: Full-Time;
- Испытательный срок: 3 месяца;
- Локация: Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan;
- Медицинская страховка;
- Инсентив бонусная программа;
- Полная оплата транспорта;
- ПК + Dual Screen (при необходимости);
- Корпоративный Cмартфон;
- Визовая поддержка (Вам и Вашей семье);
- Специальные льготы для новых иностранных сотрудников.
Дополнительные инструкции
Процесс найма:
- Скриниг резюме
- Programming test
- 2-3 Интервью (Видео)
- Оффер
- Оформление трудовой визы