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.NET Architect



Местоположение и тип занятости

Амстердам (Нидерланды)Полный рабочий день


Our main activity is to connect product companies in the EU and UK with highly-skilled software engineers.

Описание вакансии

Условия работы

About the client:

The company іs оnе оf thе lаrgеst phоtо bооk spесіаlіsts іn Еurоpе. Оur vіsіоn аnd аmbіtіоn іs tо mаkе іt еаsіеr fоr оur сustоmеrs tо сrеаtе bеаutіful prоduсts tо shаrе аnd rеlіvе thеіr mеmоrіеs. Wе sеll phоtо prоduсts оn оur wеbsіtе, сustоmеrs сrеаtе prоduсts usіng thеіr оwn phоtоs аnd оur sоftwаrе. Wе hаvе оur оwn mаnufасturіng prоduсtіоn, ІT dеvеlоpmеnt іs іn-hоusе, аs іs сustоmеr саrе, mаrkеtіng аnd сrеаtіvе dеsіgn. We are оnе оf Еurоpе’s lеаdіng phоtо bооk vеndоrs wіth multіplе соnsumеr brаnds, wе оpеrаtе іn 8 соuntrіеs. Thе соmpаnу іs grоwіng rаpіdlу іn mаrkеt shаrе, rеvеnuе аnd numbеr оf еmplоуееs аnd hаs thе аmbіtіоn tо grоw fаstеr.

Your Role:

You will join a dynamic, passionate and effective team of developers responsible for the foundational architecture and development of innovative software that would match the needs of the rapidly growing international company.

  • Work with the advanced technologies to maximise user experience;
  • Create and develop programs and tools, that would be used by other teams in our business;
  • Take full advantage of the Agile methods: test-driven and behavior-driven development principles;
  • Concentrate on complex architectural foundation work.

Your qualification:

Ideally, you have a considerable work experience as a .Net engineer with expertise in technical design of scalable software components and distributed systems.

  • Bachelor or Master degree in computer science/engineering;
  • A minimum of 7 years of professional experience in object oriented programming/design with the Microsoft stack using C# and .NET;
  • Excellent level of coding, design and testing skills;
  • Experience of working with MVC, ASPX , Win Services , SOAP and REST;
  • Good knowledge of scalable and distributed systems (high availability/security/caching);
  • Background in relational databases / T-SQL;
  • Experience with Test Driven Development;
  • Sharp analytical abilities and logical thinking, pragmatism and ability to flourish in a fast-paced environment under tight timeframes;
  • Good level of communication skills and fluency in English;
  • Self-motivation, initiative and ability to work in the team effectively;
  • Deep understanding of Agile/Scrum development methodologies;
  • Work experience with cloud services (AWS: EC2, SQS, S3, Glacier);
  • Familiar with RabbitMQ.

Additional information:

By joining this company you not only get a challenging and rewarding job in a dynamic environment, but also place, where you have freedom to do things your way and have vast opportunities to develop yourself as a professional. Moreover, our international team has informal work culture with no dress code and our office is located just a few minutes away from the Amsterdam city center.

If you've never been to Amsterdam before, it’s your chance to not only visit this amazing European city, but also stay here, work and live. Did you know that the Netherlands is one of the easiest countries to relocate to? You would need to wait only 2-3 weeks to see your visa application confirmed, that’s it! From there you can start your exciting journey to the new land. Amsterdam is the city where bicycles rule! Forget about cars and public transport. Jump on a bike and get to the office! As jobs concerned, the Netherlands welcomes talented and qualified migrants! Your employer can grant you a tax advantage, 30% reimbursement ruling.