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Евгений Уткин (horrorspace), 28 лет, Кыргызстан, БишкекЕвгений Уткин (horrorspace), 28 лет, Кыргызстан, Бишкек

Евгений Уткин

Бэкенд разработчикФулстек разработчикСредний (Middle)
Рассмотрю предложения


Возраст: 28 лет
Опыт работы: 4 года и 5 месяцев
Регистрация: 08.01.2022
Последний визит: 2 года назад
Местоположение: Кыргызстан, Бишкек
Дополнительно: готов к переезду и к удаленной работе
Знание языков:

Обо мне

Full Stack developer with experience both frontend and backend. Can work independently and take ownership of the project. In backend has experience in both application developing monolithic architecture and microservices. Has experience in DevOps. Before programming used to be an Electrical Engineer.



Опыт работы

  • Piar OÜ
    Фулстек разработчикFull Stack Developer
    Март 2023 — По настоящее время (1 год и 11 месяцев)

    Had been developing a system for automated POS trading which gets data from POS terminals by MQTT.

  • Vega-Absolute
    Фулстек разработчикFull Stack Developer
    Март 2022 — Март 2023 (1 год и 1 месяц)

    Worked in the largest Russian LoRaWAN devices manufacturing company. Had been developing and maintaining frontend applications and backend services for interaction with devices manufacturing by company.

    • Have developed services and the web application for interaction with GPS beacons: displaying last locations and history locations of user devices on the map, displaying dashboards of charts and diagrams, displaying tables of telemetry with download option, providing reports generating, settings changing and commands sending opportunities. 
    • Have developed services and the web application for interaction with LoRaWAN devices: displaying tables of telemetry with download option, providing reports generating, settings changing and commands sending opportunities.
    • Have created and administered bare metal Kubernetes cluster.
    • Have created a private Docker registry.
    • Have created and administered MongoDB cluster, configure replication and sharding for it.
  • A2 System
    Фулстек разработчикFull Stack Developer
    Сентябрь 2020 — Март 2022 (1 год и 7 месяцев)

    Worked in process automation control solution provider company. Had been developing and maintaining services and web applications for interaction process automation control systems.

    • Have developed services and the web application for interaction with the process control system of the water pumping station: displaying state of pumps, valves, variable speed drives, measurements of pressure sensors, flowmeters, temperature sensors, voltmeters, energy meters, displaying charts of measurements, displaying tables of reports and measurements history with download option, providing changing process settings, such as target pressure, opportunity, providing equipment control opportunity.

Высшее образование

  • НГТУ

    Новосибирский государственный технический университет
    Новосибирск2752 выпускника
    Энергетики; ФЭН
    Сентябрь 2018 — Июль 2020 (1 год и 10 месяцев)

    Энергетики; ФЭН
    Сентябрь 2014 — Июль 2018 (3 года и 10 месяцев)

Дополнительное образование