Python Middle Developer<3
I have 2 years work experience, have started to work from 16 (at 10 class of school).
Most used frameworks: Django and FastAPI (2 years of experience) + different ORMs (specifically SQLAlchemy or DjangoORM) at middle-sen level.
Unit tests are the best-)
SQL-based storages: mostly PostgreSQL + a little of sqlite3 (in dev)
Raw SQL (at the window function level)
RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka, Docker + DevOps instruments like Grafana + Loki + Promtail.
I also worked with Celery + Flower as a helper.
Have some experience with tg and discord bots (4 projects).
I'd like to learn Golang and Rust.
Soft skills:
English (С1)
1)Интеграции с LLM, OCR, прочим AI продуктами.
2) Разработка высоконагруженных приложений
3) Создание и поддержка UI/API/UX
4) Проведение интеграций с крупными компаниями(Совком, ВТБ, РНПК и т.д.)