💰 Зарплаты в IT в первой половине 2024: по городам, специализациям, языкам и компаниям → подробнее

О компании «100 Nuts»

The Problem we address:

  1. We solve the problem of our planet's screwed up food system, which is unhealthy and unsustainable.
  2. This system overproduces calories in the form of chemically modified raw foods; it uses unsustainable forms of production; it injects food products with chemicals at all stages from farm to fork; it games the government labeling/dietary regulations and successfully lobbies for the industry's own benefit.
  3. As a result it minimizes costs of production and uses a large chunk of operating margin to bombard consumers with heavy propaganda aimed at depriving them of free will to choose food for consumers' own benefit rather than for the benefit of the food producers.
  4. Contemporary food system is motivated to keep people alive to consume cheap calories; it is motivated to chemically produce those calories at a minimum cost, which ensures high profit margins.
  5. It is not motivated to produce natural, nutritious, minimally processed foods, which is necessary for the long-term healthiness of the world population.

Our Solution:

  1. Governments in many countries have made a lot of progress in the food industry labeling and other regulations (top to bottom approach);
  2. The problem of the food system can't be solved with the top to the bottom approach only: governments are too slow and dependent on food lobbyists, while the food industry is very fast to adapt and game the regulations;
  3. We see the solution in adding the bottom-up approach: enabling people to make their own independent and knowledgeable food choices;
  4. We are developing  a simple-to-use AI tool, which helps people navigate through their daily food choices while shopping in physical or online groceries, eating out in restaurants, selecting what to cook at home — will help people make their own choices independent of the food industry propaganda.
  5. This tool is based on the underlying matrix of structured food information, which is being collected by our intelligent algorithms.

Our team includes 3 co-founders and 10-peson (and expanding) team of AI, back-end, front-end developers and designers.

Вакансии компании «100 Nuts»

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Откуда приходят в компанию
Ronte Limited
1 сотрудник
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