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FPGA design engineer

Местоположение и тип занятости

КраснодарПолный рабочий день


Ведущий разработчик аудиоплагинов для профессионального и потребительского рынка аудиоэлектроники

Описание вакансии

Условия работы


  • design FW for Xilinx FPGA (Spartan, 7-series, Zynq);
  • work with Xilinx ISE, Vivado, Mentor Modelsim, Cadence Xcelium;
  • RTL design on Verilog, SystemVerilog, VHDL;
  • testbench development on Verilog, SystemVerilog;
  • STA review and proper constraints development;
  • maintaining already developed projects (fix reported bugs);
  • scripts for autobuilds, autotests development (TCL, Perl, Python);
  • work with Embedded engineers and SW team on FW integration;
  • reading schematics for proper constraints creation, advising schematics engineer on pinout placement;
  • writing technical documentation in English on developed FW (block diagram, control registers and functionality description);

Primary requirements:

  • degree in electronics engineering or computer engineering;
  • experienced in digital designs for Xilinx FPGAs (all stages);
  • experienced in multi-clock domains and high-speed digital designs;
  • experienced in designing the code, which uses AXI, AHB, APB, PLB, LMB interfaces (master/slaves);
  • familiar in creation of the SoCs based on MicroBlaze, ARM (Zynq) CPUs;
  • experienced in developing the code for applications, which performs real-time Ethernet packets processing;
  • good background in various applications, which transmit data over Ethernet, USB, AES, MADI;
  • good background in work with different serial interfaces (I2S, I8S, SPI, I2C, MDIO);
  • good background in work with different memory interfaces (parallel/serial flash, SRAM, DDR)
  • solid skills in work with Xilinx tools (Vivado, ISE) and simulators (Modelsim, Xcelium);
  • ability to read/review someone’s else code in order to fix the mistakes;
  • experienced in developing the scripts for doing the simulation or builds (Perl, Tcl, Python);
  • solid skills in fixing the timing violations for developed projects with help of various methods – adding the pipeline, using right CDC techniques, constraints, proper tools adjustment;
  • ability to work under Windows/Linux OS;
  • ability to be a good team player, as well as work independently;
  • accuracy, creativity, paying great attention to details, desire to learn;
  • ability to work with various measurement equipment (oscilloscope, chipscope, spectrum analyzer, multimeter etc);
  • good spoken, written English;

Desirable (optional skills):

  • experience in development for audio over Ethernet applications;
  • experience in C code development;
  • understanding how digital electronics works.

Work conditions:

  • Good remuneration;
  • Work at international company;
  • Good and friendly work atmosphere;
  • Nice office in class A business center with large parking lot;
  • Possible business trips (Israel)
  • English classes;
  • Ability to live and work in a beautiful city in the south of Russia with good climate not far from sea and mountains