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Database Developer

Местоположение и тип занятости

Минск (Беларусь)Полный рабочий день


Global software engineering and IT consulting

Описание вакансии

Условия работы

Nitka Technologies is searching for a skilled Database Developer to join our Minsk team.

In this position you will be working on a challenging project of transforming complex distributed system used by one of a large equity trading companies in USA from desktop to web platform.

You will work closely with team in United States applying your expertise to develop robust, scalable, resilient solution. You will communicate directly with developers and management of a client discussing project related topics.

Skills and Requirements:

  • On hands knowledge of SQL Server and T-SQL
  • Experience as database architect
  • Experience with DB level performance optimisation
  • English level enough for efficient verbal communications
  • Experience with Sybase is a plus

We Offer:

  • Free lunches from one of the Minsk top restaurants
  • Full-time job (8h/day)
  • Flexible working schedule
  • Work-from-home opportunities
  • Paid vacations, holidays, sick leaves
  • Team work
  • Salary in USD
  • Opportunities for professional growth

Дополнительные инструкции

Если Вас заинтересовала наша вакансия, пожалуйста, высылайте Ваши резюме на электронную почту: anzhelika.lagun@nitka.com

или по ссылке: 

Skype: likallikavna

Telegram: LikaLikavna