UI/UX designer (intermediate english required)


от 1500 до 2500 $

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Условия работы

We're looking for an exceptional UI/UX designer for our Products!

Long term. Could be part time initially but we've got a lot of tasks and full time is possible as well. More or less it's based on your skills and efforts in understanding the product and willingness to contribute and deliver.

G-Plans is health platform that makes personal nutrition accessible to wide range of people. 2 years on the market and growing fast. International distributed team (USA/Bulgaria/Ukraine/Russia). 

No formalism or bureaucracy. Everyone on the team has their own responsibility and communicate to each other horizontally w/o any barriers.

We've got several big chunks of work we would like you to hop on:

Some examples of such tasks:

  • Whole web platform redesign – guided by our lead designer and given current new mobile app design.
  • Constant improvement of current UI/UX on platform and app alongside with devs and analyst. Including A/B tests of new UI. 


  • Sketch
  • Zeplin
  • Conversational English
  • 2-5 years experience in Mobile, Web Adaptive UI and UX

Would be nice:

  • if you already had remote work experience

Our benefits:

Every benefits small/growing teams have:

  • no bureaucracy, direct communication to founders and team members
  • flexible work schedule
  • you'll become our core team member
  • salary is in USD and growing as we grow

Дополнительные инструкции

1. Please review screens of current web platform and mobile app


2. Initial communication (interview, some test task etc.) – everything is in english directly with our lead designer. He's from CA so be ready to talk at 8pm Moscow time (or a bit later).

3. For obvious reasons we will only review english CV and intro you'll write. Please attach some of web/mobile work you've done. Would be nice to see your reasoning behind it (like "I've removed this button and added checkbox because...").