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iOS Developer

Местоположение и тип занятости

МоскваПолный рабочий день


PlanetPass — a new marketplace for tourists and guides.

Описание вакансии

Условия работы

Company summary

Excursiopedia is a global company that works in the most dynamic segment of online travel industry. We believe that travelers strive to get new experiences and create a platform that helps them to get everything they need really easy.

We're looking for those who believe that they're able to work in stressful conditions of a fast growing company and are ready to make their deposit into building world leader in travel. The journey will be interesting - we promise it!

Key responsibilities

  • Creation of series of MVP Mobile Applications;
  • Integration with acting systems or emulation of such integration to check working hypotheses;
  • Participation in the process of designing new mobile services;
  • Participation in the launch and development of MVP services, managing pivots;
  • Work in tight collaboration with members of your cross-functional team;
  • 3rd-party collaboration

Minimum Requirements/Qualifications

  • Experience in develop UI/UX for mobile platforms, managing prototyping technics;
  • Deep understanding of iOS, WatchOS platforms;
  • Strong experience of native iOS languages (Objective-C, Swift);
  • Experience with alternative platforms is a plus (PhoneGap, Cordova, React Native);
  • Strong experience with Git and its workflows;
  • Development experience as a Backend Developer is a plus;
  • Strong experience in creation and work with APIs (RESTful, Thrift, RPC);
  • Own completed projects in AppStore;
  • Independent, experienced trendwatcher, ready to learn bleed-edge programming paradigms and technologies;
  • Understanding Lean, Customer Development;
  • Good technical English.