Alexander Strizhov (alexxst-st), 40 лет, Россия, МоскваAlexander Strizhov (alexxst-st), 40 лет, Россия, Москва

Alexander Strizhov

F#, Akka.NET, TarantoolБэкенд разработчикФулстек разработчикВедущий (Lead)
Рассмотрю предложения


Возраст: 40 лет
Опыт работы: 18 лет
Регистрация: 12.01.2016
Последний визит: 1 неделю назад
Местоположение: Россия, Москва
Дополнительно: готов к удаленной работе
Знание языков:

Обо мне

Only remote working

Lead developer with a passion for software development, with a deep knowledge of OOP and stack of Microsoft’s technologies. Has experience in databases design and strong SQL skills.

Over 10+ years of software development experience, including high transactional enterprise applications. Solid experience in team leadership and mentoring.

Has the ability to understand and transform complex business requirements into software. Able to deliver applications on time, according to specifications that are scalable, performance-optimized and maintainable.

I've been developing on .NET since the release of version 1.1.4322 since 2003. By the current time participated in a variety of projects. Started with the online platform for trade and order pharmaceuticals. And integration platform for billing and report system (with 1C). Design and development of the architecture backend of the project MMORPG server (and the socket network engine to them in C ++, stably holding 20k connections at the same time). Developed systems with WEB API and distributed ETL services to load traffic of various switches from cellular operators.

Participated a couple of years ago in the program BizSpark and actively worked with Azure - queues, repositories, full-text search.

Was engaged in the development of data synchronization services in ERP systems

In the web I developed admin console on ASP.NET MVC to manage ETL clusters, to display reports, monitorings etc., Design and development of the architecture of a regional discount site.

I am fond of functional programming - F #, LISP.


• I have experience in full enterprise software development lifecycles: gathering and analysis, design, coding, testing, deployment and maintenance.

• Strong skills in building, growing and maintaining object-oriented systems through continuous process of refactoring and testing.

• I do my job well because I understand the needs of all participants of a software development process.

I’m interested in software development and constantly strive to improve my skills, learn new technologies and tools


Проектирование архитектуры приложений
Высоконагруженные системы
Алгоритмы и структуры данных
Проектирование баз данных

Опыт работы

  • Kraken Online
    Технический директор (Ведущий)CTO
    Октябрь 2020 — По настоящее время (4 года и 4 месяца)
    • Company IT architecture
    • Game services (MMO) solution architecture
    • Devops CI\CD architecture
    • Security management
  • Разработка игр и приложений
    Лос-АнджелесОт 10 до 100 сотрудников
    Lead F# Developer (backend)
    Апрель 2019 — По настоящее время (5 лет и 10 месяцев)

    Architecture design of high loaded services

  • Tasrtech
    Lead .net developer (backend)
    Май 2017 — Июнь 2018 (1 год и 2 месяца)

    Design and development of the architecture backend of the project MMO
    Designing and writing game tools (editors, utilities)
    Development, analysis and optimizing

    MongoDB, Multithreading, .NET, Linux, Mono

  • Частная практика, работа без зачисления в штат
    Android application development
    Март 2016 — Март 2017 (1 год и 1 месяц)
  • Nyxale LLC
    Technical Lead Developer
    Ноябрь 2012 — Январь 2017 (4 года и 3 месяца)
    Technical Lead Developer Development and planning of architecture of a clustered data loading system Development of antifraud system Analysis and optimizing SQL queries (sampling over hundreds of millions and billions of records) Working with BigData & DWH on MS SQL Server Development of WEB REST services Development and support of ETL tools, low-level parsers dumps (HLR switches) Development and support for WPF applications for system administration
  • Notorious Games LLC
    Апрель 2011 — Август 2011 (5 месяцев)
    Development of network distributed architecture of the game world. Development of a network (TCP \ IP) system for the server (the old one could not cope with the load) Work with MySQL database.
  • Разработка игр
    МоскваОт 10 до 100 сотрудников
    Бэкенд разработчик (Старший)Senior .NET Developer
    Октябрь 2008 — Август 2012 (3 года и 11 месяцев)
    Design and development of the architecture backend of the project MMORPG Fragoria OnLine Integration of payment systems Designing and writing game tools (editors, utilities) Development, analysis and optimizing MS SQL, Firebird queries Management of a small group of 3 developers Development of ASP.NET (ASP.NET 3.5) portal for statistics collection with support for dynamic build and report generation (DevExpress + JS) Achievements: A large number of implemented tasks for the server part Developing of architecture a socket transport engine (over 20k active connection) The project is very demanding of resources, because It is constantly used more from 30k-80k people at a time
  • FarmService LLC
    Бэкенд разработчик (Старший)Senior .NET Developer
    Февраль 2006 — Сентябрь 2008 (2 года и 8 месяцев)
    Design and development of the architecture backend of the e-commerce B2B project (online platform for trade and order pharmaceuticals). Integration platform for billing and report system

Высшее образование

  • ВГУ

    Воронежский государственный университет
    Воронеж2064 выпускника
    Сентябрь 2001 — Август 2006 (4 года и 11 месяцев)